Tuesday, January 12, 2010


If anyone is interested, I can print HUP banners at work. It is a 8'x3' banner printed on gloss vinyl - with 5 grometts on top and 5 on the bottom - printed and shipped for $100 OR if you want to design your own that is cool too - it would be $120 shipped for your own design (extra graphic time on our end).

send me an email if you are interrested



Yash Katsumi said...

Two things....

For once I wish Zac would nut up and make us Bubb Rubb style HUP head bands as well Hup whistle tips.

Cowbells are lame, whistle tips are not.


The artist formerly known as Hup NE Supreme...

Yash Katsumi said...

My previous comment has nothing to do with banners, but the jpg made me think of Bubb Rubb.